ARTIST'S HOUSE is a location in OMORI. This is the home of ANGEL and his older sister, ARTIST, who both reside in FARAWAY TOWN.
ARTIST'S HOUSE is located on the opposite end of the street in the same section where BASIL'S HOUSE is. It is easily distinguishable due to its position as the rightmost house in the area and its vibrant green roof. It also appears to have a purple doormat and buckets of paint, both open and unopened, laying astray in the lawn near the door.
The interior is composed of mainly pinstriped walls in shades of blue and light wood flooring that covers the entire house, excluding the bathroom. Art covers the walls, presumably drawn by ARTIST, and the bookcases are packed full of books on art. ARTIST's room has various painting tools scattered around the room and a futon spread out on the floor. ANGEL's portion of the home is a wee bit more messy and he has games laid out on the ground as entertainment.
Knocking on the door will cause ARTIST to answer and gleefully allow SUNNY and KEL to enter in hopes that they can critique her art. Giving her enough tips to complete the painting contributes a flower to the Universally Loved achievement.
ARTIST's dog, LUCAS, will escape, and ARTIST will request help to find him. He can be found next to KEL'S HOUSE, and will run back home. ARTIST will then give a PAINT BRUSH as thanks.
Afterwards, on ONE DAY LEFT, after confronting ANGEL about his fear of his sister, he can be followed home. It is then witnessed that ARTIST pretended to rip a RARE CARD of his in half whilst angry when he spent her money on it. The house is then up for exploration. Doing this sidequest contributes a flower to the Universally Loved achievement.
- Located in ANGEL's bedroom is a handwritten copy of FOE FACTS!, presumably the influence of the HEADSPACE version.
- The bed of ANGEL is rated 7 out of 10 by SUNNY and he is not sure how to rate the ARTIST's bed as it is on the floor.