CALL OF INSPIRATION is a quest in OMORI. It is one of the many optional HEADSPACE sidequests available when talking to BERLY in the basement of LAST RESORT after bribing her with BOTTLED WATER on the casino's fifth floor and beating MR. JAWSUM.
After bribing BERLY with BOTTLED WATER on the fifth floor and beating MR. JAWSUM, go over and talk to BERLY in the basement. She will request for something strong and pliable, but also buoyant, to make a very powerful weapon.
Head out to the entrance of LAST RESORT and talk to the MAILBOX-- rather than offer you its wares, it will instead offer a POOL NOODLE for 5000 CLAMS. If you refuse the price you can keep haggling until you get the POOL NOODLE for free.
Once you have the POOL NOODLE, head back to BERLY, and give her the POOL NOODLE to refurbish it into one of AUBREY's strongest weapons.
You will get the COOL NOODLE for your troubles, and it offers a sizeable ATTACK bonus with no drawbacks.
If you leave this quest unfinished but rebuild HEADSPACE by starting the OMORI ROUTE, BERLY's request will remain open until HERO inherits ownership of the LAST RESORT.
When she returns to the FOREST PLAYGROUND, this quest will be rendered inaccessible.
MARI (Call of Inspiration) Incomplete
BERLY says she's looking for the perfect material to inspire her next amazing feat... to create the ultimate weapon! |
MARI (Call of Inspiration) Complete
Wow, that COOL NOODLE is way cooler than a normal POOL NOODLE!
It must be so much more powerful now. |
- If the party had not refused to give the POOL NOODLE to BERLY, when interacting with the door of any CLUB SANDWICH, Common Event 228 will make the unequipped COOL NOODLE disappear from the inventory. This is likely an oversight left by the developers as the common event was used for testing.
- When talking to MARI later, the quest will become incomplete due to the missing ID of the weapon.