CAPTAIN OF THE SPACE PIRATES is a quest in OMORI, serving as one of the mandatory HEADSPACE quests required for completion to progress the story. It is made available after talking to the lovesick SPACE BOYFRIEND within his house, and accepting the request to help him out.
CAPT. SPACEBOY is currently lovesick over his recent breakup with SWEETHEART and his SPACE PIRATES are trying to cheer him up. When OMORI and his friends enter SPACEBOY's house, SPACE PIRATE GUY askes them if they can help find the captain's missing SPECIAL MIXTAPE that the crew suspects they threw away by accident. Accepting SPACE PIRATE GUY's request will initiate the quest and grants access to the JUNKYARD via a JUNKYARD KEY.
From there, the player can use the secret entrance to SPACE BOYFRIEND's BACKYARD to reach the JUNKYARD. The regular way to the JUNKYARD is blocked by SNALEY. While walking across the pathway, the player can come across THE EARTH and can initiate an optional boss fight by interacting with it and selecting "YES" when prompted to disturb it. They also encounter two SPACE PIRATES discussing a missing planet from CAPT. SPACEBOY's backyard, which is none other than the rogue planet PLUTO.
For the remainder of the quest, the player must navigate their way through the JUNKYARD to search for the SPECIAL MIXTAPE. After learning the basics of the TAGGING mechanic, the party will eventually come across an obnoxious SPROUT MOLE named ROSA, who appears to have taken the SPECIAL MIXTAPE for herself.
OMORI and friends give chase but end up getting attacked by DOWNLOAD WINDOW out of nowhere. Defeating DOWNLOAD WINDOW will yield the Alt+F4 achievement. Afterwards, the group manages to retrieve the SPECIAL MIXTAPE back from the pompous SPROUT MOLE. Even though ROSA tells them that SWEETHEART broke up with CAPT. SPACEBOY, the group ignores her and heads back to the captain's house to help CAPT. SPACEBOY regain his sense of purpose.
The player must head south after exiting the JUNKYARD since two SPACE PIRATES are blocking the previous entrance as they are looking for PLUTO's whereabouts. In short, they have to use the route SNALEY was previously blocking. Shortly after passing SNALEY, PLUTO will appear running away from the SPACE PIRATES, not before asking the group to help hide him.
They do so and end up tricking the SPACE PIRATES about PLUTO's location. PLUTO then thanks the group before taking them back to the OTHERWORLD CAMPSITE through his traveling system PLUTO'S SPACELINE. This unlocks the traveling system for the rest of the game, as well as learning the FLEX skill given to KEL. The player then should head over to SPACEBOY's house.
While discussing what they found out about SWEETHEART and SPACE BOYFRIEND with SPACE PIRATE GUY, KEL puts the SPECIAL MIXTAPE into the boombox and plays it. This wake up SPACE BOYFRIEND, who ends up transforming into his alter-ego SPACE EX-BOYFRIEND. In a fit of anger, SPACE EX-BOYFRIEND vows to extract his vengeance on SWEETHEART but the group refuses to let him do so. This leads into the first major boss fight against the furious captain. Defeating SPACE EX-BOYFRIEND is necessary to complete the quest.
After defeating SPACE EX-BOYFRIEND, the group will earn the See you Space Boyfriend... achievement and the EYE PATCH charm. The following cutscene shows him reverting him back to his original state. CAPT. SPACEBOY will then thank the group for helping him snap out of his lovesick state and for returning his mixtape. Despite learning that PLUTO is missing from his planet collection, CAPT. SPACEBOY shrugs it off and tells his crew that they're going to the FROZEN LAKE for some SNO-CONES.
Before he leaves, HERO asks him if he had seen their missing friend BASIL. CAPT. SPACEBOY then tells him that he hasn't seen BASIL anywhere. This causes AUBREY to become deeply upset over this. CAPT. SPACEBOY attempts to cheer up the crying AUBREY by giving her a SNO-CONE TICKET and his TRAIN PASS. SPACEBOY will then leave his house and the quest will be completed.
In addition, the group's FOLLOW-UP moves will be upgraded and the E letter for HANGMAN can be collected under SPACEBOY's pillow. Completion of the quest also grants access to ORANGE OASIS through VAST FOREST's TRAIN STATION starting from TWO DAYS LEFT and onwards.
MARI (Captain of the Space Pirates) Incomplete #1
MARI Uh-oh! It looks like SPACE BOYFRIEND's MIXTAPE was accidentally thrown away. Could it possibly be somewhere in the JUNKYARD? |
MARI (Captain of the Space Pirates) Incomplete #2
MARI (Captain of the Space Pirates) Incomplete #3
MARI (Captain of the Space Pirates) Complete